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Serving PK-8

Pre-Kindergarten-5th: Direct Instruction

All children can learn if they are taught well.

That’s the heart of our Direct Instruction curriculum. It’s a proven, research-driven program that teaches our students to be confident readers with positive, carefully scripted lessons with texts, workbooks, and digital platforms.

Students learn at their own pace and customized level. We place students in groups based on individual needs for more help or more enrichment. With frequent assessments, students can move into different groups as they grow as learners.

Learn more about Direct Instruction.

Unique Middle School Programs

Our Middle School program includes Honors programs, structured support for all students, and hands-on projects to spark passions and teach collaboration.

Students also enjoy City Springs’ unique Social Justice curriculum, created by Mr. Wyatt Oroke.

The culturally responsive curriculum challenges students to explore complex topics through the arts, historic documents, variety of texts and literary genres. They learn to think critically and speak their truth.

We offer weekly enrichment classes:

  • Computer Science
  • Dance
  • Leader in Me
  • Martial Arts
  • Mindfulness & Social Emotional Learning
  • Music
  • Physical Education & Health

High School and Beyond

Our 8th graders are prepared for high school, college, and life. City Springs students attend some of this City’s most competitive high schools.

We Are Focused on Your Child’s Future.

To focus on your child’s bright future, we promote college and career awareness. Every PK through 8th grade grade team is named for a college athletic league. Each classroom is named for a college or university within the grade team’s league. Many of those schools partner with our classes to enhance our spirited culture of success. We have one 6th grade that is The Trade Class focused on careers.

College pennants fill our hallways. On the first Friday of every month, all staff are encouraged to wear college gear representing their alma mater or a favorite college or university.


Our unique calendar is designed to meet your child’s unique needs and strengths. We start a week earlier than all other Baltimore City schools. Our district-approved early start enables us to focus on personalized interventions and accelerations for selected students, based on student performance. In February, a small number of students attend for personalized instruction while the rest of the school is off for a week.

City Springs student reading at desk
City Springs students with whiteboards

Questions about schedules, policies, uniforms, etc.?

Read the City Springs Handbook
City Schools wants to hear from you!
Every year, we ask you to let us know what’s going well at your school and the district and where we could do better.

Please take the annual family survey to share your feedback.

Click Here to Take The Survey


Your thoughts, experiences, and ideas have been invaluable and will help us effectively support our students’ success and plan for next school year. Your voices matter!

If you have questions or need any support, please email or visit

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