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Purple Power

“It’s not a color. It’s an attitude!”

We’re all about purple, from our uniforms to our one-of-a-kind turf field! It’s more than just our school color. In fact, our motto is “It’s not a color. It’s an attitude!” 

That attitude is about possessing leadership attributes and habits and believing in every student and what they can achieve today and tomorrow. 

The City Springs Pledge

Every aspect of our school culture is geared towards positive interactions and outcomes. Our students, teachers, and staff live and breathe the City Springs’ Pledge, Attributes, and 8 Habits for Happy Kids.

Like the color purple, the words are part of our DNA.

Download the Pledge, Attributes and Habits

Restorative Practice

Restorative Practices teach students to do the right things because they want to.
In 2007, City Springs pioneered the use of Restorative Practices for the Baltimore Curriculum Project, which now are used by many Baltimore City and County Public Schools.

Restorative Practices help create a positive, respectful community, reduce conflict, and teach students how to problem solve. Trained teachers use Restorative Practices to replace unacceptable behaviors with acceptable behaviors through daily Circle Time and guided conversations. Our trained peer mediators (grades 5-8) work to create positive friend groups, conflict resolution, and other Restorative Practices initiatives. Learn more from the International Institute of Restorative Practices

Get Involved

Our parents are active through the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), bringing positive change to the school.

We have a phenomenal volunteer group of retired community leaders who assist teachers and work one-on-one with students to support their learning. Interested?

City Schools wants to hear from you!
Every year, we ask you to let us know what’s going well at your school and the district and where we could do better.

Please take the annual family survey to share your feedback.

Click Here to Take The Survey


Your thoughts, experiences, and ideas have been invaluable and will help us effectively support our students’ success and plan for next school year. Your voices matter!

If you have questions or need any support, please email or visit

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